Sunday, October 01, 2006

Here I come!

Hello everyone, this is Chris. However it’s the fourth year study in Fu Jen, the memory of freshmen still impressed me. As we know, this is the last year we study together in this beautiful place. I’m so appreciate about these years; all of you gave your support let me have an all new experience about “School”. I am never a “Good Student” in my life until into “MC” field. It’s the first time I feel real interests about school things. We have good classroom, equipment, excellent professors, and most important is I can study with all of you. The photo is shot by Tom in Vimanmek Mansion Palace(五世皇柚木行宮), Thailand. This is best one of my travel experience. We have 32 very nice guys go together for the graduation tour. Even there is heavy raining when Tom took this shot for me and Emma, the light still beauty, right. (Tom, thanks a lot. ^_^ ) In my graduation project, we have a big team more than 16 people join with us. The 3 episode movie is temporary named of “Memory”. Just like the name of this film, in these four years we both have so much memory with each others. Good memories, bad memories, unforgettable memories, even you have some very embarrassed memories, but don’t throw it up. When time passes, through year even decades, those memories will all become sweet and memorable. So, let’s enjoy the final year with each other and have a good work with final project.


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